
Showing posts from January, 2023

Biotech Bootcamp and Continuing Project

     At the start of this semester, we started with doing a "Biotech Bootcamp." This week of instruction included lab safety, lab protocol, as well as having time to teach/remind students how to pipette and make media/agar. One important protocol we talked about was regarding labeling. We clarified that all media, agar, bacteria, ect. needs to be labeled with the date, contents, initials, volume, concentration, type of bacteria (this is all depending on what the contents are). Labeling also was an issue when it came to waste beakers in the lab. Now all beakers that contain waste must be labeled clarifying whether it was chemical or bacterial waste. We also discussed lab cleanliness. This included washing your hands before and after doing anything in the lab and cleaning off surfaces. Something that was an issue last semester was people leaving powdered media on the scale after measuring, and not wiping things down property. All equipment must be cleaned before and after use t